HexcelPack™ was founded in 2014 using an updated version of a 30-year-old technology developed by David Goodrich, with the idea of using paper to replace the traditional, one-use plastic products that are prevalent throughout the world in the packaging industry.

HexcelPack’s™ offers game changing products and packaging solutions.

Back then, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch was still unknown, and most people had little awareness of the wide-ranging negative impact of plastic waste on ocean ecosystems. Today, a concern for preserving ocean ecology is the company’s driving influence – making recyclable, sustainable paper packaging products in lieu of plastic.

  • Superior Cushioning
  • Faster Packing
  • 100% Sustainable

See how HexcelPack’s™ packaging distribution systems can improve your e-commerce platform from day 1!

Please contact us today for samples, or a free evaluation of your e-commerce packing platform

Get in Touch

If your E-commerce business is currently using plastic substitutions,


There is a better packing solution for you, offering exceptional cushioning, and a more sustainable way to protect your products. Give us a call today to learn more!